
Allied Health Sciences

Associate Professor
Focus: Patient-Provider Interaction

Speaker Request
Paul Denvir, PhD


  • Ph.D. in Sociology and Communication, State University of New York at Albany 
  • M.A. in Communication, State University of New York at Albany
  • B.A. in Public Communication, The College of Saint Rose

Courses Taught at ACPHS

  • Provider-Patient Communication
  • Health Teamwork
  • Intercultural Communication in Healthcare
  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Introduction to Public Speaking
  • Principles of Communication
  • Public Health Capstone

Academic/Research Interests

My research is centered on interpersonal communication in healthcare settings, with attention to both patients’ and providers’ perspectives. In the area of provider-patient communication, I have a longstanding interest in identifying strategies for productively addressing potentially sensitive health topics, such as diet, exercise, substance use, and sexual activities. More recently, I have been investigating pharmacist-patient interaction during Medication Therapy Management (MTM) service provision, with a particular interest in discussions about medication adherence. I am also interested in the interpersonal processes involved in healthcare teamwork, with recent work emphasizing the communication dynamics between pharmacists and physicians.

Selected Publications


Denvir, P., Cardone, K., Parker, W. & Cerulli, J. (2018). “How do I say that?”: Using communication principles to enhance medication therapy management instruction. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 10, 185-194.

Denvir, P. & Brewer, J. (2015). “How dare you question what I use to treat this patient?”: Student pharmacists’ reflections on the challenges of communicating recommendations to physicians in interdisciplinary healthcare settings. Health Communication, 30, 504-512.

Denvir, P. (2015). Healthcare team meetings. In Tracy, K., Ilie, C. & Sandel, T. (eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction. Boston: John Wiley & Sons.

Wingard, L. & Denvir, P. (2015). Dilemmas in interaction. In Tracy, K., Ilie, C. & Sandel, T. (eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction. Boston: John Wiley & Sons.

Denvir, P. (2014). Saving face during routine lifestyle history taking: How patients report and remediate potentially problematic conduct. Communication and Medicine, 11, 263-274.

Denvir, P. (2012). When patients portray their conduct as normal and healthy: An interactional challenge for thorough substance use history taking. Social Science & Medicine, 75, 1650-1659.

Brewer, J. & Denvir, P. (2011). Balancing competing patient care philosophies during ambulatory care advanced pharmacy practice experiences. In T. D. Zlatic and W. A. Zellmer (Eds.) Nourishing the Soul of Pharmacy: Stories of Reflection. Lenexa, KS: American College of Clinical Pharmacy.

Teas Gill, V., Pomerantz, A. & Denvir, P. (2010). Preemptive resistance: Patients' participation in diagnostic sense-making activities. Sociology of Health and Illness, 32, 1-20.

Denvir, P & Pomerantz, A. (2009). A qualitative analysis of a significant barrier to organ and tissue donation: Receiving less-than-optimal medical care. Health Communication, 24, 597-607.

Pomerantz, A., Teas Gill, V. & Denvir, P. (2007). When patients present serious health conditions as unlikely: Managing potentially conflicting issues and constraints. In A. Hepburn and S. Wiggins (Eds.) Discursive Research in Practice: New Approaches to Psychology and Interaction. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Pomerantz, A. & Denvir, P. (2006). Enacting the institutional role of chairperson in upper management meetings: The interactional realization of provisional authority. In F. Cooren (Ed.) Interacting and Organizing: Analyses of a Management Meeting. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Smith, M., Misener, E., Fink, MJ., & Denvir, P. (2006) Cultural diversity matters: A medical school elective course using reflection and praxis to effect change. Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education, 12(2), 84-88.

Mason, A , Misener, E, & Denvir, P. (2004). An exploratory study of patient perspectives on having one physician care for the entire family. Family, Systems & Health, 22(2).


Denvir P. Constructing medication nonadherence: Patients’ practices for balancing agency and accountability during in-depth pharmacy counseling. 8th Annual Meeting of LANSI (Language and Social Interaction Working Group), October 2018.

Niles K, Guiffre K, Varriele B, Denvir P. Adherence counseling during comprehensive medication reviews: Preliminary patterns of pharmacist-patient communication. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Anaheim CA, December 2018. [student project]

Niles K, Guiffre K, Varriele B, Denvir P. Adherence talk during comprehensive medication reviews: Preliminary patterns of pharmacist-patient communication. 5th Annual ACPHS Student Research Symposium at Albany College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, April 2018. [student project]